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Posted: Jun 14, 2023
Categories: Blog Posts
Comments: 0

For the baker, the foodie, and the aspiring chef, the pantry is one of the most important rooms in the house. Not only does it store many spices and ingredients, but it brings back lovely memories of spending time in the kitchen.

But not everything about our pantry brings happiness all the time. In fact, a messy pantry leaves us with a nagging question: is our space too small, or is our organization off? Kitchen pantries usually feel smaller and smaller as[...]

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Posted: Jun 14, 2023
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Have you ever heard people talking about the pains of custom closets? Or how hard they are to install around Gulf Coast properties? If you have, you're already familiar with some custom closet myths, including half-truths, fibs, and downright untrue information.

There's a lot of misleading information about custom closet spaces and how they work. It can be tough to know which sources or correct and which ones are[...]

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Posted: May 14, 2023
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Walking into your laundry room should give you a sense of peace, not terror. But if your busy itinerary prevents you from organizing your existing space, you're more likely to feel stressed than serene.

Thankfully, even the busiest homeowners can get a handle on their laundry space. And if you're looking for an easy way to score a quick win, custom laundry room cabinets[...]

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Posted: May 14, 2023
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How much can custom closets increase the value of your southern home? One source says a bedroom suite can recoup 56% of your initial investment.

This number, however, doesn't include every possible closet at home. They certainly don't look at all the other[...]

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Posted: Apr 16, 2023
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Upgrading your garage with a set of custom garage cabinets can kick your organizational strategy into hyperdrive. 

But while getting custom storage is always a great idea, not every cabinet design is worth your hard-earned cash. In fact, some garage cabinets are chintzy, weak, and just plain bad, causing more problems than solutions in your already tightly-packed space.

It pays to identify bad buys in advance to protect your bottom line—and to stop warping, moisture buildup, and pest infestations from destroying your hard work. So let's take a closer look at some cheap cabinets you should avoid[...]

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