New Orleans: 504-885-3188
Baton Rouge: 225-753-3001
Covington: 985-871-0810


Posted: Mar 22, 2018
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Spring has finally arrived across Louisiana and Mississippi. Now is the perfect time to organize the entire home and solve the problems of cool and warm weather clothing storage.

Louisiana Custom Closets has decluttering solutions for clothing every month of the year. Disorganization and clutter can often be time consuming and frustrating as seasons change. For the local homeowner, our professional team of custom closet designers understand that storing seasonal clothing does not mean storing them in boxes, the closet floor and the top shelf. Assessing closet storage is important for everyone and taking closets to the next level of storage capability can often result in neatly organized essentials. Long-term storage strategies create opportunity and most importantly common-sense solutions.

Here are four smart ways to store seasonal clothing from Louisiana Custom Closets:

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Posted: Mar 8, 2018
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Disorganization affects everyone and everything. A favorite shirt goes missing. A meeting is missed, and of course the one needed ingredient for tonight’s dinner goes missing. It never fails. We have all been there. It can be very frustrating, always looking for items and adjusting schedules. It is usually the most challenging in the house, where disorganization can often be prevalent.

The laundry room is most often the location with the biggest inefficiency. Laundry rooms are often the smallest areas in the southern home, which can be a problem within itself. Many times, missing clothes end up piled on the floor or in baskets. Insufficient space can be a challenge.

Louisiana Custom Closets can help all homeowners in NOLA and southern Louisiana resolve the problem of a disorganized laundry room and lost clothing.

Louisiana Custom Closets offers four smart ways to organize the laundry area:

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Posted: Feb 23, 2018
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Many Louisianans downsize for a number of reasons. It is important to note that buying a smaller home has advantages. There is usually a lower mortgage payment, lower energy costs, and these houses are often easier to maintain and keep clean. Even though a small cozy home has many advantages, the bedroom closets can be a little small and often disorganized. Bedroom closets and basic storage can be the most challenging areas of the smaller home. There is usually only two bedrooms and less than living space than in the past.  

Our Louisiana Custom Closets professional designers can show all homeowners in the NOLA region and southern Louisiana how to have an efficient custom closet and maximize all available space in a small home. As soon as plans are readied, our expert installers will install a beautiful custom closet. In a small home, the storage possibilities are endless. 

Here are three great ideas for small home custom closets and storage from Louisiana Custom Closets:

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Posted: Feb 8, 2018
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Last month, in our Louisiana Custom Closet blog post, our team shared the many benefits of custom bedroom closets. There are even more ways homeowners across NOLA, southern Louisiana and Mississippi can benefit from a custom closet in every bedroom.

At Louisiana Custom Closets, our designers and installers make everything simple for homeowners to get a custom closet in every bedroom. Whether it is the master or the guest bedroom, we design the best custom closet for every need. Our company specializes in making the most of any available space, creating efficiency and organization.

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Posted: Jan 31, 2018
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The perfect custom closet in the master and other bedrooms, can resolve many organization problems in any home. It doesn’t matter the size of the living space or bedroom, our expert designers at Louisiana Custom Closets can create the perfect custom closet for any home in southern Louisiana and Mississippi.

Here at Louisiana Custom Closets, our team makes it simple for all homeowners to have the ideal bedroom custom closet. We can plan a functional and efficient bedroom custom closet system for any home. Our designers will work hard to utilize every inch of useful space for the perfect custom closet. Spring is right around the corner, and it is the right time to reorganize and eliminate challenging closet problems.

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